Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Institute of Museum and Library Services annouced that October 1, 2006 as the deadline for applications for 2007 grants.

IMLS is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. Its mission is to grow and sustain a “Nation of Learners” because life-long learning is essential to a democratic society and individual success. Through its grant making, convenings, research and publications, the Institute empowers museums and libraries nationwide to provide leadership and services to enhance learning in families and communities, sustain cultural heritage, build twenty-first-century skills, and increase civic participation.

IMLS is accepting grant applications to the agency’s FY 2007 Conservation Project Support (CPS) program. “Roughly 190 million objects held in America’s collecting institutions are in need of treatment,” said agency director Dr. Anne-Imelda M. Radice citing the Heritage Health Index, the first comprehensive survey of the condition of preservation at museums, libraries, and archives. “We must do better. I strongly encourage museums to apply for these grants.”

CPS awards matching grants to help museums identify conservation needs and priorities and perform activities to ensure the safekeeping of their collections.

The 7 categories of Conservation Project Support are:
General Conservation Survey: to broadly assess all of the museum’s collections and environmental conditions
Detailed Conservation Survey: to systematically examine, item-by-item, all or part of a museum’s collections
Treatment: to conserve, preserve, or stabilize collections
Environmental Survey: to assess a museum’s environmental conditions, including temperature, relative humidity, and light
Environmental Improvements: to improve and/or stabilize climatic conditions such as light, temperature, relative humidity, vibration, mold/fungus, pests, or air pollutants
Research: to conduct innovative conservation research projects with potential benefits to the field of conservation
Training: to train staff (including volunteers and interns) in conservation and collections care*
The Institute will provide up to $150,000 for successful grant proposals. For Impact Projects, proposals with broad-reaching effects that benefit multiple institutions, the maximum is increased to $250,000. All applicants may also apply for up to $10,000 in additional funds for an Education Component that will educate the general public about their conservation project. Click here for grant application and guidelines.

To help museum applicants prepare proposals, the Institute will host technical assistance audio conference calls--dates, times, and telephone numbers to be announced.

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Marion Conway Consulting

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